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codemeter usecase: matlab applications

Protecting MATLAB applications

Secure Your MATLAB Intellectual Property with CodeMeter

Protect Matlab applications

The Challenge

MATLAB is the cornerstone of engineering innovation. Its versatility and power have made it indispensable for developing complex solutions. However, the same factors that make MATLAB so valuable also make it a prime target for intellectual property theft.

Your MATLAB applications represent a significant investment of time, resources, and expertise. They contain proprietary algorithms, models, and data that give you a competitive edge. Without robust protection, your intellectual property is at risk.

While MATLAB Compiler is a powerful tool for transforming MATLAB code into standalone applications, it doesn’t inherently provide robust protection for your intellectual property. While it does obscure the MATLAB source code somewhat, determined individuals can still reverse engineer the compiled application.

Integration in MATLAB Compiler

When you use MATLAB Compiler to create a standalone application, it essentially turns your MATLAB code into a regular executable file, usually designed for Windows computers. These standalone applications are perfectly compatible with CodeMeter technology. This means you can easily protect your software and manage its licensing using CodeMeter’s features without needing to make significant changes. Just apply AxProtector Windows to your executable and execute flexible license management with the standard CodeMeter tools.

When you use MATLAB Compiler to package and distribute your standalone applications as self-contained Docker images, the same logic applies. Simply include the CodeMeter protected application, optimized MATLAB Runtime components, operating system libraries and the CodeMeter runtime in the container.

The Conclusion

CodeMeter seamlessly integrates with MATLAB Compiler, ensuring a smooth protection process. CodeMeter’s advanced encryption techniques render your compiled application virtually impossible to crack. Any attempt to modify or reverse engineer your protected application is immediately detected. Directly implement flexible licensing models to protect your revenue and control software usage.

To keep your MATLAB software safe from hackers, you need strong protection. CodeMeter is a powerful tool that works together with MATLAB to create a tough shield around your software.

CodeMeter makes it almost impossible for anyone to break into your software and steal your ideas. It also stops people from copying or changing your software without your permission. Plus, you can decide who can use your software and how much they pay for it. Best of all, CodeMeter is easy to use with MATLAB.

Let's explore Protection of your MATLAB code

We invite you to explore how CodeMeter can protect your IP and execute flexibile license mangement for your end-users.

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